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"It's not too hard to re-organize your life, Rauno."

"OK, so give me some advice."

"First you need an educational hobby..."

"Like your rock'n'roll record collecting?"

"Or books, getting acquainted with art, developing your cooking skills even further... The possibilities are endless!"

"Is it a deal, that you teach me to tolerate loud bands, and I teach you to boil water?"

Toivottavasti ette pahastu että silloin tällöin puffaan mielilevyjäni... Joo, tiedän ettei Supertramp ole rääkybändi, mutta he ovat suosikkejani.

Hoppas ni inte har någonting emot att jag nu och då gör reklam för mina favoritskivor... Ja, jag vet att Supertramp inte är ett vilt rockband, men det är min favoritgrupp.

I hope you don't mind that I plug some of my favourite ... Read more »
Category: | Views: 592 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)


"Miracles of nature..."

"Hey, move it, you moron! You're in the way of my bicycle!"

Category: | Views: 603 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)


"Rauno, stop swearing!"

Category: | Views: 616 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)

Category: | Views: 596 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)


"Hi, Tauno! What have you been doing lately?"

"The usual stuff... Playing games and thinking about things. Such a wonderful smell of food here, that I decided to drop by."

"Rauno is preparing a chicken and fruit stew. But don't you think you can come gatecrashing!"

"Oh no, just to have a conversation. Are you planning another hiking trip?"

"Sorry, no. Too much work awaiting."

"Yes, I know about Rauno. You'll block the front door again by nailing boards across it."

Category: | Views: 577 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)


"Should I drag you to the Alcoholics
Anonymous or something...?"


"With that lifestyle of yours you can very well stay unemployed. You wouldn't be able to hold any job."

"If you could at least drink while I'm at work, not when I have to sleep!"

"A good idea! I would be sleeping my intoxication away while you're home!"

Category: | Views: 604 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)


"Well, well, Rauno finally staggers home."

"Once again I have to manage with little sleep, when I have to wait for you!"

"My drinking ish none of your bushinessh..."

"My boss will again ask me questions about why I look so tired!"

"Or maybe not... We shaw him on the shtreet and invited him inshide to take a few drinksh."

Category: | Views: 596 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)

Category: | Views: 576 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)


"Yet another newspaper article about terrorist attacks..."

"I've always thought that people do evil things because they feel distressed, and that's the result of something rotten in the world and lifestyles man has created for himself."

"People don't feel comfortable in the world they have created for themselves. The wheel of progress should be spinned back to its starting position, and started up again."

Category: | Views: 569 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)


"Why are you going up on the roof?"

"Look at the TV set, and you'll see!"

"Rauno, try to control your behaviour!"

Category: | Views: 623 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)


"What if all the other people are mere robots? What if I'm the only human being on Earth?"

"I've been told to be like all the others and adapt to a world I haven't helped creating..."

"But I would gladly spare half of it..."

Category: | Views: 615 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)


"My Dad thinks I spend too much time with my computer... Is it any wonder?"

"I have to have something to bring me pleasure, when everyday life gets me so anxious..."

"Actually I would rather be more artistic and creative..."

Category: | Views: 602 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)

... Read more » )?-->

"Bah! Computer games! Do they provide a civilized upbringing to children?!"


"At least they tell a lot of truths about the modern world."

Tauno pelaa joystickilla Commodore 64:lla ja käyttää kasettiasemaa - selitys tähän on että Aaltotie sijoittuu vuoteen 1988. Tähän ratkaisuun on useita syitä, mm. en halua kommentoida tämän päivän tapahtumia vaan elää menneisyydessä. Ehkä sarjasta tulee näin myös ajattomampi kun en pureudu ajankohtaisuuksiin. Ja Taunon vanhemmat tapasivat 70-luvun alussa, näin olen päättänyt ja siksi sijoitan sarjani 18 vuoden päähän tästä tapahtumasta uskottavuuden säilyttämiseksi.

Tauno använder en joystick och en Commodore 64 med kassettstation. Förklaringen till detta är att Aaltotie utspelas i år 1988. Jag har flera orsaker till det ... Read more »
Category: | Views: 626 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-04 | Comments (0)


"And what seems to be bothering you?"


Category: | Views: 611 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-03 | Comments (0)


"This is my miracle horn."

"Really?! And what miracles can it perform?!"

Category: | Views: 631 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-03 | Comments (0)


"From now on you'd better watch out while walking."


"They've built a hospital up on the hill!"

Category: | Views: 630 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-03 | Comments (0)

Category: | Views: 633 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-03 | Comments (0)


"Excuse me, is this the second street to the left?"

Category: | Views: 639 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-03 | Comments (0)


"Mikael, what would happen if there was a third sex?"

"Our Parliament would legalize bigamy."

Category: | Views: 646 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-03 | Comments (0)


"Oh dear... It's always nice to read a fantasy novel like this one, but to read a paper on it in front of the class...!"

"After a successful dragonslaying the question that's undoubtedly on the lips of every viewer is: "How do you feel now?""

Category: | Views: 612 | Added by: aaltotie | Date: 2008-11-03 | Comments (0)