Main » 2009 » March » 25 » 140
6:50 PM


"If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, does it still make a noise?"

"Of course. A noise is a noise, even if no one heard it."

"Is this glass half empty or half-filled?"

"It depends on whether it's been filled or about to be emptied."

"You always have an answer to everything! Egg or hen?"

"I'm not fooled by hypothetical questions. Protoplasm and gradual evolution."

Ei tarvitse yrittää ymmärtää outoa ajatuksenjuoksuani. Tällaista aivoni suoltavat, minkä sille voin.

Ni behöver inte förstå mina underliga tankegångar. Min hjärna producerar sådant här, inget jag kan rå för det.

You don't have to understand my odd thoughts. My brain produces stuff like this, what can I do?


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