"How to help Rauno to get rid of alcohol?"
"I know! Smokers think up surrogates when they quit, so we have to find one too!"
"Something to do!"
"Hard labour!"
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"Now when you live with us, you'll notice that we have no experience in taking care of children."
"I doubt that..."
"I can take some care of myself. And I will be of some help to you..."
"I'll prevent Rauno from going to the pub!"
"No! You're all against me!"
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"Let my computer stay at home. It might be good to be without it for a while. And the premature infant might get well soon."
"Will you suffer from withdrawal symptoms?"
"Not in a house with so many stimuli."
"Indeed! Any plans?"
"Yes! I will not cook for three people anymore! You do it!"
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"Topi and Anja warned me that they might be pretty tense and hassling from now on. I decided it's better to stay away from home."
"We understand."
"My school supplies are in the bag, as well as one set of clothes. I'll bring more from home whenever I need."
"You could fit your computer in this bag!"
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"OK, the house is cleaned up!"
"And the food is on the table."
"So everything's ready?"
"Yes. Oh, here he comes now."
"The premature infant is in a really bad state of health. I'd better live here for a while."
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"Still three months before the baby's due...!"
"And how are you planning to spend your time while waiting for it?"
"Sarcasm is not your forte, Rauno."
"Oh no... What?"
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"At home they're going totally nuts over that new baby. They're organizing a luxury environment for him."
"I wonder what would happen to that luxury, if that child turned out to be a real nightmare?"Hauskaa kikkailla ja kokeilla kaikkia eri juttuja - tässä kopioin ensimmäisen ruudun, käänsin tietokoneella peilikuvaksi ja venytin puoli senttiä. Sitten tulostin stripin, tein pari pikku muutosta toiseen ruutuun ja liimasin strippiin kaksi puhekuplaa.
Roligt att hitta på och prova allt möjligt - här kopierade jag första rutan, gjorde en spegelbild av den med datorn och tänjde ut den en halv centimeter. Sedan printade jag ut strippen, gjorde två små ändringar i andra rutan och fäste två pratbubblor.
It's fun to try out all kinds of tricks - here I copied the first panel
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